Hapa Ramen warms soul, cures pneumonia

I don't eat them often, but I love me some good noodles. When I heard former Nopa sous chef Richie Nakano (@linecook) was starting a ramen noodle street food pop up, Hapa Ramen, I knew I'd be reexamining this misunderstood college food as soon as I had the chance.
Luckily for me, that chance was yesterday at the Thursday farmers market (you can also find Hapa Ramen on Friday nights at Off The Grid). By the time I got there half the menu was sold out, which didn't bother me in the least since pork was still available. I garnished my bowl with pickled Tokyo turnips, edamame and a dash of flavorful, not-too-spicy chili oil.
From what I can tell, every aspect of the bowl was perfect. The broth was luscious, the noodles light and flavorful, the meat succulent, and kale so good it was actually competing with the pork as my favorite part of the dish (I'll call it a tie).
I ate the whole thing, and it felt like the perfect amount of food. Be warned, however, that it will keep you full all day; seven hours later I still wasn't hungry so skipped dinner in favor of a few slices of cheese and a handful of walnuts.
Lastly, I know this doesn't make sense, but I haven't heard the icky pneumonia rattle in my chest since I slurped my last bite.
Yes, I think this soup might be magical.
Reader Comments (4)
I have been lucky enough to have it a few times now and it is amazing. The broth is warming and amazing. I would be happy with the broth and the noodles but the pork and the eggs are great.
That looks so awesome! I wish I could eat that!
I have yet to try, but have heard so many great things. There was a great piece in 7x7 explaining the research he did to nail his signature Ramen. http://www.7x7.com/eat-drink/path-ramen-enlightenment
@emily Wow, great article. Totally inspiring, now I want to go back to Namu!